school was rather boring...
it's all abt hmk..==
didn't really rest well...super tired...
ran around the school for 1 round for PE...
as usual for Ms Lui's lesson...
i chiong sia...cos i dun wan to get left behind...hence...i ran for 4:30min++
although quite long...but not bad for me le..((:
thxs ginny for pushing me when we are reaching the school soon...cos i very tired so i walked for a while...
if she nvr pushed me...i tink i will still continue walking...xD
after running...played Captain's Ball
it suxs lyk hell..nvr ever play wif a team which contains huimng,matilda n seowting...
they so hiong...-.-
the result is 13 to 0...
who is the grp wif 0...yea...that's us..==
feeling very unwell after PE...
the area near my ear lobe is super pain...lyk something pressing on it...
then make me super dizzy...felt lyk fainting...too long nvr run alr..=.=
maty n huiming say their ears inside pain...lyk got smth stuck there...
pained for 1hr+++...cant concentrate much on maths lesson...
so pain!!lyk the feeling when the plane is alighting n ppl get ear pain due to pressure..==
then recess not very happy when walking at that corridor..
attitude prob..-.-!super kaobei...
so disrespect to seniors lyk us...-.-!
think she very "da pai"?
had share n tell during EL lesson...
i tink it's quite fun...we pushed all the tables to the sides...
then sit in a big circle in the class...
then we shared bk reviews...
super funny...i tio called by huangyu...
then i accidently say wrongly...say until "his husband"...
then everyone laugh lyk hell...they say "gays ar?somemore can be pregnant de"
super paiseh...then i keep laughing...cant stp n continue...then whole class look at me...
*no self control when i'm laughing*...
had bio mock SPA after school...
teacher say we made lots of mistakes...
i tink we are so lacking of time cos i cant complete the answer..==
although teacher nr cut our time away... )):
terence more poor thing...he got the results but no time to write down...
luckily it's just a mock SPA...not real thing...
i'm glad this experiment is abt testing starch...
if test abt proteins or fats...i tink we will die..==
i duno wat to write for the experimental...crap..!
went bubble tea wif huiming,maty n huangyu after bio...
chatted there quite long...
girls lyk to gossip..=.=!!
i call for peppermint green tea they all 3 of them call for chocolate blended..-.-
then i say i'm so odd one out...then they say excos tink alike..-.-
super diao!but i lyk me peppermint green tea...super cooling...
didn't drink First Love today...wanted to try others..((:
i dun really lyk blended ice now..==
had a great time of gossiping...complains n blah blah blah...
after that saw shuhui n took 99 wif her...HOMED!
i dunno how to do Matrix hmk..=.=!
we haven learned Further Trigo n not sure abt circle's properties
but we having CT next week!!!abt these 2 chapters..gonna die..=.=
work hard for O-lvls...
chinese is over!!!happy to get A1 for CL O-lvl...((:
had to work hard for the other 8 subjects this yr..JIAYOUS to me n everyone...xDD
Saturday, January 10, 2009Y
lessons started for 2 days...
nth usual bah...
today is FLAG DAY...
took the "tin can" and ask for donation...
went tgt to West Mall...
shimin n i decided to go somewhere further...
so that we can ask for more donation...
so we went to the traffic juntion...
a distance away frm the interchange(a lot of students..=.=)
super hot man...we stood there for 2 hrs!
under the hot sun!!
but quite a lot of ppl stopped to donate money...(:
thxs for all those who donated...appreciate ur kindness...((:
i love the Malay Mothers a lot...
they super kind... many of them stopped to donate...
mainly donated $ gd...
got one of thm call me dear sweet n friendly...xD
some ppl donated to me all their coins...thxs a lot!
a lot of ppl asked us why we stand under hot sun...not hot meh?
LOL...we say inside too many we stand outside...
i tink this event is quite meaningful...((:
my can is more than half-fulled?
shimin also...there are still many kind ppl in this world...^^
i dun lyk the attitude of some ppl...
they just ignore us n treat us transparent...
at least they gave me a smile my mood will also be happier...
some elderly got no coins but at least they got smiled to me n say gd...
had a tired n exhausted...
then we went bck school to return the can...
afterwards went to eat wif shimin n maggie...
went library tgt...borrowed a bk...
i went up to 4th lvl for my edusave scholarship...
no one to talk to this yr...sat alone there...
beside me all guys...-.-!felt so cramp...
the music is so boring...i'm so tired that i nearly fall aslp...
when collecting the cheque...there's 2 dumb ppl in my row...
the 2 guys super noob man...
when the queue is moving...they didn't choose to stand behind the queue n follow up wif them...
instead...they move forward by putting their butts on differen chairs...
look super dumb...i'm behind bo bian...
i had to sit beside them to wait when everyone in front of them are standing...
only the both of them sit until so shuang...
even until almost their turn alr their butts are still on the chairs...
the chairs which are nearest to the counter...==!!
they actualli move their butts all the way frm their original seats to the seats near the counter...=.=!
super sian...i only lyk the part when i got my cheque...xD
monday there's a workshop whole lesson...shld i be happy?
cos the workshop might be even sian!
watched pi l MIT epi 10 just now...
it's almost to the end...left wif 6 more epi only... )):
what am i goin to do wif my physics SPA file...i cant do one ws when ppl alr. hand in to the teacher... )):
9:59 PM
let me summarise on my bdae... (:
i got a sakae treat that i mentioned in my earlier post~
i got a chocolate cake during 301208...during my S1OC...*surprised*
jer said that this cake very ex...$30+...Oo
i didn't have the pic of that cake..

the dress(frm Valerie) that they gave me...i dun tink i dare to wear it n go out...*looks super FAT*

the lollipop and the unique bdae card that they bought for me too...(:

this is by Matilda!thxs...(:

1st pic of myself being post on blog...LOL...

bdae cake that my mum bought for de...quite nice^^

little lollipop keychain by Beegim..xD

this frog is by Beegim's a bit larger than xiaoqing...((:
cm gave me a FBT shorts...
thank you to MATILDA,BEEGIM and CHENMIN for the presents too...(:
9:16 PM
HAPPY BDAE TO JERLIN!!!!noob pig...=phope you lyk the stone that Jess specially made for u!LOL
the cake that we designed for you very cute right?shimin n jess draw most..
they dun dare let me design sia... ):
i'm just 15 n u are 16 alr...
so unfair...u almost 1 yr older than me~
must wear the blouse that we bought for you..the wallet is nice too... (:
the necklace that i give you must wear for me to

i love ur bdae card...chieu lin's art damn gd sia!
appreciate our efforts okay...(:
had a fun time in the PEPPER LUNCH!(:
i enjoyed plaing at the playgr...although u didn't play wif us...say we childish..=.=!
that little boy that we played wif was damn cute man...
he laughed so happily bcos of me...HAHAS!
i bet u enjoyed ur bdae celebration!!!(:
stay cheerful n score well for ur O-LVLS
9:08 PM
Saturday, January 3, 2009Y
changed a skin!
long time nvr change le...
this skin looks quite cute
2009 is a new change a new skin..wahaha
had quite some probs while editing this template...
ma fa..a lot of things i nvr put into the template...
lyk my likes n dislikes...
feel troubesome...
so i might as well dun include them...
i tink i will ue this skin for quite some time?
sec 4 alr...not so free to change skin everytime...-.-
had serious flu last night...
had a clown's nose...due to runny nose...
today still having lu...a lot better de...
due to S1OC...lost my voice...sore throat...then flu...
hope i recover i can the lollipop u girls gave me...LOL
VKG ended...Zero was so pitiful...feel sad for him
pi li MIT still got 7 epi...quite a lot sia...
now must focus on studies...=.=
hope that i have the time to watch... (;
kk...bye bye...nth to blog le
7:24 PM
finalli...i did my ez-link card!
went JE today~
used bck my old ez-link photo..==
super ugly..waited for such a long time..-.-!
then still nid to call the hotline to cancel my old ez-link...
call library to tell them abt this..-.-
super troublesome...finalli everything is over now
wasted my $$ to do ez-link... ):
must be more careful in the future alr.
left wif the 3 hmk..==
slowly do bah...still got 1 week...
gonna watch pi li MIT n VKG's last epi ltr...
bye~off to do my eng research...(:
3:23 PM
quite excited to see my frenzs!
n i'm SEC 4 this yr~~~
wahaha...super happy....cos look very pro...
senior liao...a lot of ppl say sec 4 when u walk...lyk got wind...LOL
1st time having lesson in the D blk...
quite slack today...nth much...(:
next week i tink thursday then start lesson!
muahaha...shuang...then tuesday we goin Safra Club to eat!!!!!!!
5 course meal sia!but must give $$ free lunch i this world
we are there to learn how to use spoon,fork,chopsticks and blah blah blah...
my main purpose is to go there n eat...xD
somemore is school shuang...
zhengyang's main purpose at 1st is to eat free food...
but after that cher say must pay $$ de...LOL
he still ask whether can have 2nd serving...wth...==
arrange the seating today...
sit wif the 1st row...
at 1st i was suppose to sit on hh's seat...
but due to her BIG MOUTH!i tio sabo to change wif her...==
n rumors start to spread again...-.-!*ignore*
after school no HCL...went for SC's AAR for S1OC...
very sian...nth to say also must squeeze out some words to say...
tiring...went home wif cm n cheeseng...
gossiped on the bus...of a koabei person...><
stupid idiot lar...we all super angry...耍大牌!
as if that person have the authority or wat...-.-
crapper only..-.-...only noe how to say say say...
the the person himself/herself don't convince ppl by the stupid actions...
weekends tmr...mayb gonna make ex-link le...):
waste my $$ sia...curse anyone who picked up my ex-link n used up the $$ inside in...><
HAPPY BDAE TO JASMIN!!i'm just 3 days older but u~
i'm just 15 n jer is turning 16...wth~she 1 yr older than me sia...-.-!!!
6:25 PM
Thursday, January 1, 2009Y
school reopening tmr...
the upper sec will be using the Indoor Sports Stadium for assembly alr...
so good sia...the lower sec will still be using the originally hall for everyday's morning assembly...
4E3'09 classroom will be at the D block...LOL
wif 4E4...): i dun really lyk that blk sia...
anyway...i'm finish the geog minmap alr!!!finalli...
i squeeze all the 3 chapts in one A3 papers...
cos i dun wan to do the chapts individually...very waste of time...==
now i'm left wif 3 hmk...
the geog AMK exam paper...did 25% only..-.-!
then the bio paper i finished 40% only?
the 5YS on Air &Atmosphere for chem i haven start...
cant understand the whole chept...==
i tink the teachers will not collect the hmk tmr...
so i still have a weekend to complete this hmk bah...
i cant log in to eclassroom...-.-!i wanna noe next yr's timetable sia... ):
super sian...sec 4 alr...stressful life awaiting for me...
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!say hello to 2009!!!
wat shld i ez-link card cant be found..==
4:15 PM