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Sunday, March 30, 2008Y

i got a gan didi sia...!!!hahas
my gan didi is jiaxiang...he damn cute de lor...got baby face somemore
my didi love singing...LOL...however...i'm not gd in tat
he younger than me by 1 yr old...he's lyk hendi!!!behaviour n looks...so similar!
he's lyk a kid,LOL...
he lyk 2 have a lot og GANs...so i become his gan jiejie
1st time i got a gan didi...cos i onli got jies n others tat r older than me
so happy sia...got such a nice didi...^O^
i haven do MANI hmk...i'm not goin 2 do le...wan slp liao
LOL...i'm so lazy sia

9:26 PM happyy-stopp

i'm bck frm camp...lol...1 week never blog le...><
my hmk pile lyk siao le...hais...-.-...dun feel lyk doin...i onli finish eng compre n 1 HCL ws...LOL...dun wan do others sia...><
thxs HH a lot for helping me 2 do notes n collect hmk too!!!love her...x333...hahahs
i got a new nick due to JJ camp...call me "sister LAG"...huiming say de...
cos everything we tok i'm the lag-est...lol..then they had a hard time tokin 2 me sometimes...esp. when they r tokin abt relationships thingy...i lag most..-.-
i love LG7(my grp) de facs!!!they r damn kind n caring...love amanda n maegan esp..!!
they r so gd...bring us to find toilets here n tere n w8ed 4 us while we bath...
this is the 1st time i bath lyk this...using a hose n every1 take turns to rinse their hair n wash near the sinks!hahas...veri fun sia,bath wif angeline,emily,huiming n matilda...mayb other gals dun bath lyk this?onli the 5 of us bath lyk this in a toilet...lol...1st time experience...cos we cant find spare toilets 2 bath...this camp lied 2 me...no GIFT EXCHANGE de...then i buy chocolate 4 wat...so ex...-.-...but thxs the facs for writing notes 2 us...^^
my grp de mascot is watermelon...bwahaha...i'm wateremlon...lol
make some new frenzs too...lyk katherine,lanjuan,alexandra,zhirong,danna n jiaxiang!!!
katrine the dua chio bu!nice 2 noe her...she's damn pretty n friendly sia...she got a pretty smile too^^!!!
alexandra the friendly gal hu's always smiling 2 ppl n brighten our days...she have a nice smile...^O^!!!
didn't tok much wif lanjuan...but nice 2 noe her too!!!
zhirong n danna was friendly too...although we did not tok much...hahas...but thxs 2 danna for passing the string 2 me during E-web!!!
jiaxiang the onli closer de male fren i make...LOL...he looks almost lyk hendi!!!they look alike...all the huayians agree...he looks "pure n innocent" but he can be cold n joke too...lol...*shocked*...nice 2 noe him too!!!
happy 2 noe some new frenzs in the camp...they r nice ppl^^
this camp made me sore throat too...my voice is LOW...-.-...hh say de...
i call her then she say i sound lyk a grandma?!?!-.-...(if i'm not wrong)...
but huiming,matilda n emily's voice more worse than mine...they lose their voice...-.-...HUA YI is so high in this camp...keep cheering lyk siao...
ytd de AEM is damn funni lar..the lecturer is so "pro" in pronouncing,i had a hard time understanding wat he tokin...he say "pipette" as "puppet"..."when u" as "mei you"..."general" as "gene"...lol...then every1 keep laughing...we r evil sia?
but if u r tere...i think u will laugh louder...he's gonna take us 4 1 more lesson...-.-...lol...dun wan laugh at him liao...i sounds so evil...-.-
dun wan blog le lar...i got a pile of hmk 2 do...-.-

3:36 PM happyy-stopp

Sunday, March 23, 2008Y

yaye...finalli finish copying the CRE from my microsoft word...-.-
2dae my words r so big...-.-...dunno y sia...-.-
wrote abt 30 lines?...so hard lor...idiot lar...counted in CA somemore...i wonder how much i can get lor...wish me gd luck...><
did for 4hrs+...lol(but i got chat wif at least 6 ppl on9 at the same time)...xP
wednesday go JJ camp...but bio students n some ppl hu got game designing de course can pon for at least 5 hrs...yapee...so gd~~~~hahas...den almost half of the huayi SCs will disappear frm the camp...lol...shuang...^O^
this is a random lame post...choose to ignore it if u wan...-.-

5:01 PM happyy-stopp

hais...i complete my CRE le...but i type on com de...
so i gonna copy word by word on paper ltr...sian...but i dunno whether my CRE can or not...this CRE is important sia...last component to April de CA marks?
hais...must get high marks...!!!...
finalli finished hmk le...sian...hais...
camp is comin nearer n nearer...but i'm not veri excited sia...
cos got other countries de ppl?then gonna miss a lot lessons...sian lar!
i dun understand wats relationships are for?aren't they meaningless n stupid...cos u will onli get urself hurt...
y the mermaid chose 2 turn into bubbles for someone hu dun loves her...?y she sacrifices for someone hu will never notice her presence...wat can she get...isn't tat silly...?-.-...
mayb at this age...not understanding relationships is a form of happiness for me...cos i will not get hurt lyk the others?is it true?=.=

3:31 PM happyy-stopp

Saturday, March 22, 2008Y

yaye...complete the bio le...the 1 page summary de...hahas...spent 3 hrs doin...tired sia...tmr gonna do CRE...lol...wat can i lobby for?=.=
sent my bio 2 hh....call her help me print...THXS!!!hahas...my printer siao de...spoilt...then no money to change...=X
the JJ camp is comin...on this comin wednesday...gonna missed a lot of lessons...esp. science n maths!!!OMG~~~onli chem got remedial sia...T^T
wonder wat will this camp be lyk...
went library 2dae...jess,shimin,shuhui n jer tere...i borrowed 2 chinese novels...but i dun tink i got time 2 read...><
2dae my leg is aching lyk siao...b'cos ytd de dance...omg...veri pain lor...cant squat,sit,run,walk n jump...haia...hope it gets well tmr...so pain...><
sian...bb lar...so boring...><

10:08 PM happyy-stopp

Friday, March 21, 2008Y

my com is lagging lyk siao...all b'cos of all the msn conversations...lol...wat a fun conference...-.-
2dae met the SCs for the dance...
haven decide on the steps 4 couple dance...n we might be changing partners...-,-
my new partner might be nelson...due 2 drawing lots...=.=
went emily's hse wif maty 2dae...2 gossip...lol...
we got so much things 2 say n i reached home at 7pm?
lol...so late...then my mum nagged...-.-
hahas...2dae was veri fun...but tired too...-.-
hais...pray 4 me,for the dance...i dun wan post le...-.-

8:18 PM happyy-stopp

Thursday, March 20, 2008Y

okay...enough of emo posts or watever...let me share smth more interesting...but dun laugh at me...-.-...or even di siao me...!
2dae...the stupid XIXI went 2 school...n she never did her chem de hmk...the 5-yr series de...cos all qns dunno how 2 do...so when i went bck 2 class...during dunno wat lesson...i ask the bear beside me abt hte chem...y so hard...everything i dunno...i onli did 1 qns out of the whole assignment...LOL
then the "kind" bear told me the pages of the bk tat we nid 2 do...n STUPID XIXI found out tat she saw the wrong pages...WTH!!!no wonder everything i dunno how 2 do...cos i saw everything worngly...i saw the wrong pages...den this weekend i had 2 chiong all my hmk...den the bear still say,"no wonder u say the qns so hard..."...-.-
den i told hh how stupid m i...she said i veri stupid...LOL...=.=
den during geog lesson 2dae...i had a bet wif bear...n i lose!!!WTH...
b'cos we r doin a map-reading ws...den the 1st qns we got different answers...at 1st he dunno...he ask me...n i veri "pro"...told him the answer...then he wrote my answer...but after tat...he finds it weird...so he change the answer...den i said my answer sure correct de...den i suggest 2 bet on it...
at 1st i wanted 2 bet $1...but he say dun wan lar...so we bet on others...
in the end...i'm so surprised tat my answer is wrong...cos i rmb the wrong thing...den he say wrong means wrong,no excuses...so i lose the bet...i gonna help him 2 do 1 thing...LOL...then i say c if i shuang or not...xP
he said tat he's veri kind..."lucky i never agreed on betting $1,if not,u will have to pay me $1"...urghhh...stupid...y i c the qns wrongly...><...lose my face...-.-
2dae got SC thingy...den stay bck until veri late...
went home wif the SCs...den i carry 6 bks?the size of a pure science bk?
wth....heavy lyk siao lor...so on bus...weijian n jianri wan help me take...den i dun wan...i'm used 2 carrying bks everyday...-.-den i snatch the bks wif them...but they r guys...more strength...n i'm damn tired le...wif no strength liao...so i let them take lor...then they say i siao...got so mani bks...=.=...i nid 2 do hmk de mah...-.-...this weekend hmk lyk siao...-.-
den when alighting the bus...i had difficulty leaving my seat...b'cos cm they dun let me go...pulled my bag n i can move...-.-
luckily they gave up in the end...den alighted the bus wif kahao...thxs kahao 4 taking some of my bks for me...for a short distance...
thxs weijian n jianri too...hahas...1st time i noe tat guys can be so kind too..-.-...lol
hais...so tired...tmr must wake up at 8am+?2 meet the SCs...i dun wan blog liao...wrote so mani things 2dae...bb...

9:21 PM happyy-stopp

STRESS!!!i realli feel lyk crying...T^T

T^T...i wan cry...I WAN CRY!!!crying seems 2 be useless but i just wan 2 cry...T^T...
i'm damn emo these few days n i realli hope i can disappear into bubbles lyk the mermaid...everything suxs lyk HELL!!!LIFE IS GONNA BE MEANINGLESS 4 ME!!!
T^T...i'm damn emo n sad now...i'm so STRESSED UP!!!tats gonna be so mani things 2 do...the dance...OMG...-.-...let me die...for this whole month i will be busy lyk siao...den a lot of HMKS!!!!i dun even hav time 2 do...tmr still got 2 meet up wif the SCs...T^T....
but these r not the main prob!!!!
i tink u guys noe we r doin couple dance...n u all noe hu's my partner is rite?WTH!!!
is not tat i wan complain...but frm young i h8 ppl hu r horny n unhygienic!!!OMG!!!
many ppl r horny...so i shld not blame this...then wat abt being unhygienic?OMG...THIS SUXS LYK HELL...T^T...i'm a veri hygienic person(i'm not being byl),even my mum says i'm abnormal sometimes...-.-!!!T^T...hais...bo bian....hais...
my original partner was not him de...!!!but if i dance wif my original partner...i tink all the gals will kill me...><...
hais...everything adds up tgt...n make my life more stress...hais...i tot this school reopens is a happy new starting 4 me...but this is not wat i expect?i dun lyk these at all...esp. when my results r lyk...OMG!!i got Cs n Ds...how m i gonna let my mum sign?i just wan die...i never forge b4...T^T...this is making my life terrible...these few days i'm so emo...every1 is calling me 2 cheer up...every1 wish me gd luck for the dance...so this shows tat not i dun wan partner wif him...it's lyk...almost all SCs n my frenzs all calling me to TAKE CARE!LOL...
hais...mermaid can cry b4 she turn into bubbles...but wat abt me...?how m i goin 2 cry?anyway...hu will care abt my tears?hais...~emo 1 corner~...the onli thing u guys r doin gd 2 me will me stop laughing abt me...due to this dance...i'm enough stress...i just wanna cry...T^T...i h8 emo life...this is not me...wat changes me?
hais...this is a stupid post...heck care if u wan...hais...u can call me 2 cheer up but dun realli expect me 2 realli smile...i tink i losing the ability 2 smile le...-.-...HAIS...T^T...
hais...let me tok abt another thing tat pissed me off!!!at 1st...i dun intend 2 rite on blog...cos i dun wan more troubles...but now i dun care le lar...cos y m i de onli 1 bearing all these things?
I H8 U!!!i really h8 u!!!i h8 u lyk hell!!!I H8 U!!!
WHEN CAN U GET OUT OF MY LIFE!!!WHEN CAN U GIV ME BCK SOME PEACE!!!WHEN CAN U GIV ME BCK WAT I HAD LOST!!!B'COS OF U!!!I'D LOST MANY THINGS!!!LYK FRIENDSHIP!!!I H8 U...y must u make my life miserable...y must u continue lying...y dun u change?wat is friendship 2 u?U DUN EVEN UNDERSTAND THIS WORD!!!U BCKSTABBED ALL UR GD FRENZS!!!U COS THEM 2 LEAVE U!!!but did u change?U DID NOT CHANGE AT ALL!!!u continue 2 lie 2 more ppl...others dun noe u well...n they believe u...but this is not being fair 2 me!!!VERI UNFAIR!!!Y MUST U EVEN BCKSTAB ME???WAT HAD I DO TO U?U BROUGHT MISERABLE 2
ME!!!u shld be praying tat i did not revenge...i wun forgive u 4eva,no matter wat...did u noe tat i forgive u b4...we forgive u b4...just hope tat u could change...but wat did we get?more bckstabbing frm u???HAHAS!!!u tink wat m i?the sec 1 XIXI?the 1 u can bully...the 1 hu had no frenzs b'cos of u?the old XIXI hu led a miserable sec 1 life b'cos of u?i'm not the pathetic XIXI in the past le...b'cos of u...i lost my frenzs in the past...now everything is different...all my frenzs saw ur lies...n they came bck 2 me...but y r u still influencing the others hu r ignorance by bckstabbing the others?mayb 1 day u might just get ur retribution or watever...i dun wan care abt u...but i really h8 u...i tink it will be veri hard for me 2 forgive u...cos u did too much things 2 harm me...but the onli thing i'm expecting frm u now is:"STOP BCKSTABBING UR OTHER FRENZS ANYMORE!!!ONE DAY,EVERY1 WILL GET 2 NOE THE TRUTH!!!BY TAT TIME,U WILL REALLI LOSE EVERYTHING,ALL UR FRENZS"
i dun realli care if u take my advice...but i just hope tat u will give me some peace...my life is veri worse already...dun add on 2 it...cos if 1 day i cant stand it...i dunno wat i will do(not harming u of cos...certainly not BCKSTABBING u)...
just stop puttin on tat fake mask...u might not noe the wats happening now?...
even if u c this post...i dun realli care...cos u noe i h8 u a lot...n every1 can c tat u h8s me lyk hell too...it's just tat we never say it out...i'm writing these 2dae cos i heard more stories n saw more things...just stop tat...it's disgusting enough...i dun wan 2 puke everyday...there's a limit to my tolerance de...dun exceed the limit n force me...we dun wan 2 confront u n cause u 2 be more...erm?how shld i say...hais...suan liao...enough of these stupid things...although i h8 u 4 so long...this is the 1st time tat i wrote these....but tink abt it urself...wat had u do 2 me?even if i give u a lifetime...i dun tink u change...-.-...just giv me some peace...this is the onli thing i'm expecting frm u now...u shld be grateful...

8:44 PM happyy-stopp

Sunday, March 16, 2008Y

yaye!!!damn happy~~~tmr school reopens...i didn't noe i luv school so much...><
but i dun lyk staying at home all day...ROTTING!!=,=
everyday at home do hmk...wth...wat a "cool" holiday...makes me wan faint liao...=.=
so sian lor...school reopens can c all my frenzs le...^^...no nid 2 rot at home anymore liao...^O^
hais...i did not do my physics paperwork...dun even understand the whole chapter how 2 do?i did not finish the chem paperwork too...last time friday all SCs went for NACLI camp le...didn't manage to learn abt those thingys how 2 do...just by reading the TB wun make me understand de...=,=...i almost skipped all the qns...=.=
geog test is comin...this wednesday!hais...sian...i haven study...gonna study tonight?=.=...n my bro got the chance 2 use com...><
sian...=.=...i wan watch the mermaid wif happy ending...mayb i can watch wif zhiyi they all...borrowed frm jer then go someone's hse 2 watch when we r free?i hope tat this idea is not a lame 1...-.-
hais...sian...i wan eat liao...bb to my beloved com...i cant play liao...><

6:27 PM happyy-stopp

Saturday, March 15, 2008Y

got so mani hmk undone!!!!
all paperwork!!!!bio,chem n physics!!!!OMG~~~~
MUST finish by tmr afternoon!!!!cos i nid 2 study geog...wednesday got geog CT...monday n tuesday i might not hav the time!!!!wth...i nid more time...
god,pls spare me more time lar...><
y 1 day onli 24 hrs...not even enough 4 me...i got so mani things 2 do
T^T...i dun even hav time 2 read my chinese novels tat i borrowed 2dae...T^T
give me more time lar...i just nid a few more hrs...xP
urghhh....so mani hmk...wth...hmk suxs...but bo bian...><
hais...-.-...i got to jy liao...so mani things left 4 me to do...><

7:39 PM happyy-stopp

Friday, March 14, 2008Y

yaye~~~vivian agreed 2 help me to change the ending for the mermaid le...!!!
yapee...i luv vivian...my best "dajie" in this world...x3333
lalala...happy sia...the mermaid is not turning into bubbles le..^^
she can be wif the prince le...(although i dun lyk the prince,he's heartless)...
lala...i'm done wif moodle...bwahahah...onli left wif geog...but i use hand 2 do...then tmr still nid give hh..she's gonna help me scan...so troublesome...but thxs her a lot...^O^...
hais...stupid geog mindmap..i tink i'm gonna use 4 A4 papers to do...-.-
chapter 5 so mani things...-.-...hais...i onli finished the 5 causes sia....-.=
still got 6 probs n 4 policies not done...diao...
jy for me bah...gonna finish these by tmr afternoon 2 give hh..LOL
gambate to xixi...-.-...hais...jy 2 myself...
i'm excited to c the new ending for the mermaid...Oo
m i veri childish?y ppl keep calling me 2 grow up...der...
shijie n bear call me 2 grow up...><
shijie say he's old...cant grow more...will die...
then he say bear cant grow too...if not cant hug ppl...
LOL...this lame person...i'm not childish...><

6:49 PM happyy-stopp

Thursday, March 13, 2008Y

"The Mermaid" tat zhiyi n i read was a sad ending...jer say is fake de...she watched happy ending de b4...-.-...realli?
wat zhiyi and i read was tat the mermaid turned into bubbles...
she dun wan 2 stab the prince,so she died the next day,turning into bubbles..
-.-...wat a sad n pathetic ending...but jer say got happy ending de...-.-
i want 2 c this story wif a happy ending too...if not the mermaid veri pitiful sia...
intended 2 call vivian 2 rite for me..but she's not on9...=.=
hais...i h8 tat prince...he didn't noe tat it was the mermaid hu saved him...
he married another gal...causing the mermaid's death...-.-
he dun deserve the mermaid's love...><
der...bubbles...so sad...

9:02 PM happyy-stopp

xiao qing so cute~~~~lalala...
this is certainly not xiaozhu!(a stupid bear wif no taste suggested this name n said tat xiao qing was ugly...>___>)...
took this pic at home...cos i'm lame n wif nth 2 do...-.-
lol...i'm childish...>.>...but xiao qing is so cute~~~

this pic is xiao qing n xiao huang(me n Jer)!!!(not xiao zhu n xiao niu..><)
took this pic last yr in 2e1 classroom...i tink is maggie hu took this pic...hahas..both r cute but xiao qing is cuter..LOL
this is just a random post by the lame XIXI...u can choose 2 ignore...i'm just being lame,childish n bo liao...-.-...post these 2 pics for fun also...>.<
wah...2dae keep raining sia...m i too cold or wat...my hands r lyk ice...><
so cold lor...then my fingernails r light purple in colour...special ar...-.-...dun even nid 2 put nail polish...-.-...diao...

5:14 PM happyy-stopp

hais...i cant stand myself sia...i keep eating...><
i'm scared when school reopens i will have a few more kgs on me...-.-
i hope not...but i eat a lor recently...><
hais...moodle hmk i left wif physics n geog le...
geog i'm goin 2 draw n give it 2 hh during saturday?
so she can scan for me...
the physics ar...i c until wan faint liao...
abt moment de...lol...expect me 2 understand by PPT?
-.-...somemore force i dun even understand...then kinematics i gong gong de...
diao...let me die...><...this is a stupid life...stupid sec 3 life wif tonnes of stupid hmk n stupid things 2 study n wif a stupid me studying them....-.-
everything seems 2 be so stupid...-.-...diao...
hais...i got 2 jy le...must find time 2 study my physics again...
then still nid study geog...wednesday is geog CT...diao...
hais...wish me gd luck...><...n hope i dun gain any weight too...-.-
the weighing machine shows tat i'm lighter...lol...tere's smth wrong wif it?
how can it be...-.-...???der.........cant believe it....-.-

4:32 PM happyy-stopp

Wednesday, March 12, 2008Y

tat moodle is getting better...at least it can works 2dae...
hais...i left wif a few moodle...
i left wif bio part 2,eng,physics,geog n HCL...
lol...so mani sia...all must chiong finish by friday...
somemore i still got hand-written hmk...lol...this march holiday is so tiring...it's just a hmk camp for us...sec 3 life...hais...stupid holiday
den i live lyk a pig somemore...diao...i eat eat eat...
eat tibits everyday...lol...cos my mum's fren gave us some...then i eat...
still got chocolates sia...but i never exercise at all...i'm not some1 hu exercise de..diao...
i dun wan 2 increase my weight...too bad sia...eat a lot recently...><
everyday doin hmk is so sian...lol!!!
hais...jy bah xixi...u got 2 chiong finish the moodle~~~
diao...veri sian sia...just finished SS moodle...rest a while..tats y i'm bloggin n i'm playing emos on msn wif a person as lame as me...lol...-.-...
got 2 get bck 2 work liao...cant play le..bb

4:32 PM happyy-stopp

Tuesday, March 11, 2008Y



你忍痛 用声音交换了双腿




而你连 道别都没有人听见


你的泪 一抹无邪


舍弃了一切 只为一个能够


你的泪 一抹无邪


他身边是谁 消失前后不后悔







你的泪 一抹无邪


舍弃了一切 只为一个能够


你的泪 一抹无邪


他身边是谁 消失前后不后悔






他身边是谁 消失前后不后悔



i luv this song a lot!!!
this song is so sad n nice lor...
everytime i hear this song i feel lyk crying sia...pity the mermaid a lot...-.-
this song roxs~~~lalala...it can be found in my blog playlist...it's nice...^^
*mayb 1 day i would just turn into bubbles and disappear lyk the mermaid without any1 realising it*(this sounds pitiful...hais)...

7:12 PM happyy-stopp

yeah~~~i completed 2 more moodle hw le...lalala
i completed maths n PE moodle...
cos i cant access to moodle...so huiming sent the qns 2 me...thxs a lot...
but now i finished le...still cant enter moodle...Oo
wth...w8 for a few hrs le leh...tat moodle is real noob n stupid lar...
i wan upload my chem,maths n PE to the teachers sia...
then i wan do others also...-.-
sian...i onli completed these 3 moodle hw n 2 maths ws by Mr.Ong onli...tere's still a long way to go...=.=

5:02 PM happyy-stopp

wth...the moodle e-learning is damn stupid de lar..
cant enter de...b'cos too mani ppl...so the system is overcrowded...
wth,den how i do hw?wan me midnight wake up 2 do...-.-
wth...this is damn idiot lar...i haven start any moodle hw sia...
now how m i goin 2 do...=.=
y the teachers dun wan give hand-written hw...so high-tech 4 wat...>.<
so mani troubles sia...>.<
hu can give me suggestions on wat 2 do wif the stupid moodle now???
i cant enter the overcrowded system...>.<
i wan faint liao..._._
diao...i onli completed 2 hw...-.-
1 is chem moodle...the other 1 is the 2 maths ws given by Mr.Ong...
lol...still left wif more than 10 hw...
moodle also...=.=...even PE also got moodle hw...i wan die liao...abt sports injuries de...diao...r the teachers having fever or wat...lyk this also wan give hw...=.=

1:40 PM happyy-stopp

Monday, March 10, 2008Y

lol...i got 70 for my physics test...the damn hard de...shld i be happy...cos it's a hard topic...i tried my best le...
hais...heck care lar...
hais,i haven start on any hw!!!wth...veri tired sia...
dun even feel lyk doin...=.=
so mani sia...hais...holidays suxs!!!not gd at all...>.<
e-learning got a lot hw sia...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mayb gonna start 2night...hais...sian...
i h8 gals hu flirt...wth...flirt until so over n so obvious...
get lost lar...urghhhhh~~~~
flirty ppl suxs...!!!so disgusting...y they lyk to flirt so much!!!

3:06 PM happyy-stopp

bck frm the camp ytd...damn tired...n i slp at 9pm+ ytd...until 10am+ 2dae...damn tired okay?3 days 2 nights slp less than 10 hrs!!!but matilda they slp lesser...;X
the camp was veri fun...damn fun...the best camp i ever had...n i learned a lot...
i had more confidence in myself le...even matilda say i changed a lot...^^
this camp was emotional too...cried...almost every1 cried...cos we all luv the sec 4s n sec 5s...but they r stepping down next month...last camp we gonna had?
mani ppl hugged tgt n cried...i cried too?but i controlled my tears frm falling...
the OJTs cried most...cos they r closer?
for the 1st day...play some ice-breaking games...hahas...veri fun...
then we got project 2 do at night...to prepare 4 day 2 night de YOUTH LEADERS NITE!!!
ppl wif the same bunk wif me is matilda,weiting,huangyu n angeline...
at night we cit chat until 1.30am+...we ate maggi mee too...matilda smuggled in for us...cool sia,luv her...cos 1st day she left for the whole afternoon wif hamka...nelson..bear...they goin bck 2 school...then matilda went bck for debate...n smuggled a lot of things for us...
then we gossiped a lot at night...n i found out some SECRETS!!!OMG~~~they r lyk so...these secrets r realli veri astonishing?n my mouth was...;O...i was realli shocked n i keep thinking abt it...hais...
then the 2nd day woke up early...got 2 meet early for the project n morning exercise too...the exercise was okay...n we played a lot of games n activities...veri fun...in the basketball court for the whole morning...n i got sunburn...my nose was red...>.<...mani ppl got sunburn...the challenges we had r so hard 2 complete n we didn't manage 2 break the record but it was still fun...had a gd time tgt...
in the afternnon we prepared for the project again...
n finalli...at night!!!the YOUTH LEADERS NITE time start...it was the project tat we had 2 plan...its lyk a concert...we had 2 dance...had skits...n mani mani more...
the concert was veri HIGH~~~jerrick entertained us most...he was damn funni...wif 2 ballons stick 2 his chest?n wif a funni tamil name?...cos he acted as a female teacher...n the guys r horny...-.-
his grp's dance was sort of horny too...?cos their song is MY HUMP...then the whole grp shaked their bums...
hahas,i loved NEON's grp's dance...they sway sway chose a tamil song 2 dance...cos got 4 grps...we draw lots 2 chose songs 2 dance...but ehir dance was veri nice!!!
esp...huiming n jianri...they r so funni lor...
then ATTITUDE's dance is cool too...
my grp is URBAN lEADERS...n our dance is funni at the end too...
had a lot of fun...after tat every1 was dismissed...n mani went bck 2 their bunks...
den matilda...huangyu...huiming...me...n tyty,sihao n teeyang went around trees 2 look for twigs...damm creepy sia...they r lyk forests...?after tat jianri told me it's huanted...shld say early mah!!!
den the 3 seniors r veri kind...climbed here n tere n find twigs 4 us...they even climbed out of railings...so dangerous...
at 1st we intended 2 call jianri,nelson n the other guys too...but we saw tyty they all...they didn't noe we r goin 2 use these twigs 2 do things 4 them...
veri late then went bck 2 bunk...emily n huiming came...n we start works...we didn't got much twigs...veri hard 2 find...so we cut a lot of twigs apart...damn hard...emily n huiming did these...we carve the twigs too...4 the whole night...
weiting n i slp 1st...my eyes r lyk closing le...veri sleepy...ZZZ
den i intended 2 slp 1 hr onli...i even told matilda 2 call me up at 2:30am...
but i woke up at almost 6am...matilda said she called me but i didn;t wake up...i was a pig...but realli veri tiring...matilda n the others slp at nearly 4am??
they r more tired...when i woke up...every1 also woke up...n we continued 2 do the twigs,until almost 6:30pm?they we went down 2 gather...n start writing names on the twigs...
did tat on behalf of the whole sec 3s...for our beloved seniors...n they r touched...^^
then 3rd day the morning exercise damn tired...by sec 3s...we copied Ms Wong's training...n every1 was damn tried...my legs nearly cant tahan...=.=
then jianri beside me...call me 2 do...dun slack?...-.-...then say if i treat thwm watermelon...mayb i no nid 2 do...=.=...he's frm NCC...sure pro de mah...=.=
during breakfast...jianri gave a speech...n we passed the twigs to the seniors....they cried...we cried too...jianri beside me...keeping *fanning* his eyes...say he didn't cry...in the end...he cried...i cried when i saw matilda crying...cos cant control le...such a emotional camp...
then we had games organised by different grps...veri fun too...
during lunch matilda,angeline n 1 was gossiping...over the same thing...troubled over this thing...omg...they we keep blaming each other hu started this topic...
hais...in the afternoon i emo-ed?over this prob...=.=
then we had a competition during the afternoon...launching of the cataput we made?
ATTITUDE won...then we moved bck 2 learning lounge...w8ing for every1 2 gather...so i played balloon wif koky,matilda,emily n weiting...matilda n i vent everything on tat balloon...after playing...then i wan burst 1 balloon...but it keep moving...so sihao stable the balloon for me n i burst it...i stepped veri hard on it...then suddenly every1 turned 2 look at...*-.-*
took our certificates n Mr Lee came...n fetched every1 home wif 2 buses...
matilda,huiming n 1 went 2 sit wif the whole bus of guys...
then heard some dirty jokes...-.-
lol...then went home after tat...veri tired...
anyway...i luv this camp...it's also an emotional camp...hahas
luv 4th HYSC and all seniors...learnt a lot...n all the best to them~~~

1:40 PM happyy-stopp

Thursday, March 6, 2008Y

wah...damn angry sia....read smth wif mag just now...veri angry sia...!!!
I'M DAMN ANGRY NOW!!!IDIOT!!!then showed zhiyi too...she also scolded F word...>.<
mag was veri angry wif wat she read...if u all wan noe...ask mag,zhiyi or me...i will sure u will scold F too...just lyk mag~~~
wat we read really suxs lyk hell...got chance we can show u all~~~

9:17 PM happyy-stopp

thxs 4 everyone hu supported me...
i will try not 2 be emo anymore...
but it will be a bit hard sia...cos recently a lot of my tests got veri poor results...n some unexpected poor dao siao de...lyk grade C n D...hais...
got veri emo 2dae...b'cos of my SS test...1st time got C for my humanities...somemore just pass sia...pull down all my marks...my last SS result already veri poor le lor...
hais...i h8 being emo lor...>.<...the cheerful me shld come bck le...^^...so tat u all no nid 2 worry abt me n trying 2 make my happy...esp.hh...thxs her a lot...cos she keep cheering me...dun let me cry...say if i cry...she will kill me...-.-
tmr got camp le...3 days 2 nights...no lessons for the SCs tmr...~~~~
lalalala...but my bag is big sia...so omg...although it's veri light...fill with clothes onli...=.=
wonder wat will this camp be lyk...Oo
tmr dunno whether teacher giving bck physics test...=.=...cos physics is damn hard...i wonder how much can i get...
hh will help me take my hw or watever n pass 2 shimin...then holiday i nid 2 get frm shimin...ma fan sia...>.<...hais...bo bian...
2dae morning so funni sia...zhiyi told me tat sijie(?) broke vivian's specs...
damn funni sia...then after tat we saw sijie(?) at the bck gate...then zhiyi di siao...then he veri ps...so funni...then maggie n juyew at tere arguing(?)...abt whether $20 for a fake(wif no degree) de spec...ex or not?...
then juyew say veri cheap...then maggie cant stand him...rich person's mindset...-.-
school can be fun sometimes...esp. when i'm wif frenzs...but it can be veri stress too...=.=
2dae saw yvonne on bus 99 when goin home...hahas...such a coincidence...^^
2dae also went for the speech day's rehearsal...so boring sia...keep w8ing n w8ing 4 my names 2 be called...zhiling damn pro sia...highest in 3 subjects..Oo...then parveen also pro...highest in english sia...then hangyu got 3 prizes...Oo
all pro ppl...Oo...hais...all pro-er than me de...>.<
nvm lar...i dun wan care so much...must learn more frm zhiling...she's a smart gal...
meixian is a gd gal too...the physics project she wrote the report all alone...3 pages somemore...thxs meixian!!!cos this project so rush lor...dun even hav time n we dun even understand wat this project is tokin abt...>.<
thxs meixian~~~the smart n gd gal~~~lalalala
hope i can enjoy my camp~~~^^...i will miss u all de...must miss me also...continue tagging too~~~

7:21 PM happyy-stopp

Tuesday, March 4, 2008Y

hais...i'm still a bit emo...-.-
so stress...so mani things goin on...sec 3 life...-.-
my HCL is getting poorer...i ask jer whether m i getting more n more stupid...tat heartless gal say yes...=.=
maggie...emo wif me bah...over tat stupid HCL result...==
the physics project by friday must hand in...lol...
we didn't do anything yet...2dae i went home wif ah zu n jess...
w8ed 4 them in their classroom...cos ah zu was so slow...busy copying...=.=
then maggie got dance...cat go home wif me...
then we went 2 eat...chat abt a lot things...
after tat 99 came...n we went home...saw some1 on the bus...then ah zu they tot is my junior...lol...=.=
tat person is shijie...then i told ah zu is frm my class de...not my junior...-.-
after reached home...i damn tired...so i slp...ZZZ
tmr got chem test...i scared sia...last time i got 52 onli...hope tat tmr's test is not too difficult...-.-...

5:56 PM happyy-stopp

ytd i was emo...tat crazy hh keep di siao me n irritate me...not 2 give me any chance 2 emo...-.-...thxs 4 ur effort...=.=
i dun wan 2 tok abt my test results...veri poor...-.-
n i dun wish tat ZZZ in my tagbox got any chance 2 accuse me of being haolian or watever...>.<...
i admit tat i will haolian...i'm also a human being...but i onli haolian 2 certain ppl...i onli haolian 2 ppl hu r proud n selfish,n those hu always haolian in front of me when i get lower results...i tink zhiyi they all noe hu m i referring 2...
at least i dun haolian when ppl r upset over their results...if ppl never ask 4 my results...normally i wun say...unless they r my best frenzs...cos onli best frenzs can be trusted n dun wun accuse u 4 watever thingy...
ZZZ u r a coward...u dare 2 tag me but u dun dare 2 say hu u r...if u r a coward...pls leave my blog...i h8 ppl without courage 2 admit anything...ppl hu r just lyk u...
hais...the camp day is comin nearer...-.-
lalalalalala....i wonder wat will it be lyk...
holidays r comin too...i dun wan holidays...so sian...n got so mani hw...i dun wan face hw everyday...mayb shimin they can call me out 2 library?2 borrow bks wif them or grp study or watever...anything is better than just staying at home 2 rot...=.=
i went jer's blog...i saw the 1st post de pink words...=.=
jer quah...the words r obvious sia...
maggie also blog tat after tinking 1 yr...then she realise everything...lol...she's a bit slow...frm last yr...she should c y le...but nvm le bah...cos now she got us le...at least we wun be lyk her...x33
i dun wan blog le...dun feel lyk blogging...i feel lyk making this blog private sia...=.=...at least ppl wun get 2 c how i feel or y i get emo...or even accuse me...=.=....but tats troublesome...=.=

5:39 PM happyy-stopp

Sunday, March 2, 2008Y

T^T...i went e-classroom just now...my a-mths CT suxs lyk hell...T^T
i got such a pathetic 4 my maths...
T^T...so long didn't get this kind of idiot marks le...i h8 this test...
i get 60...which is 12/20...Oo
12 sia...hais...stupid me...mayb this result is expected...i dun hav a veri veri sad feeling...but my expected is at least 14 sia...-.-...
suan liao...next time jy bah...i realli h8 school sometimes...it's stupid when u get stress n get poor results...n the worse is when u saw the others getting higher marks than u n show off in front of u???
hais...mayb i gonna get laugh again for this mark...-.-
last time i got 75 for log n sharifi got 100...he also show off in front of me...then the worse is teacher gave bck 1 more test...n i got lower than him again...n he show off again...i nearly cried...but i controlled my tears...i dun wan the others 2 tink i'm tat useless...when i tell the others abt my poor results...they will say..."u will also get this kind of result?dun lie lar..."
i h8 this sentence a lot...i'm not prefect...i can be stupid too...
arghhhhh.....i h8 these stress thingy...!!!
mayb being a in a competitive class can be veri tiring...
i envy zhiyi's class sometimes...their class r not lyk mine...
the teachers of my class will onli give us stress by saying we r the top class...
n students in my class compete marks...some more cheap...being selfish n wan 2 win the others by not helping the others...i h8 this kind of ppl...so selfish n makes me wan puke...

5:39 PM happyy-stopp

ytd went library n borrowed 3 chinese novels...
then 2dae i finish all le...so i call maggie....2 ask whether she wan the bks...then after tat call zhiyi...wanted 2 find some1 2 chat wif...cos i finish the bks n i'm rooting at home...on my sofa...sian...
then zhiyi watching movie...lol...so i call maggie again...but she off her hp...diao...then i nth 2 do,continue 2 daydream n rot on my sofa...sian sian sian...y ppl on sunday got things 2 do but i can onli stay at home 2 rot...>.<...y no 1 call me out 2 play...
those the 3 bks r nice...got 1 is abt magie de love story...another 1 a bit...lol...unrealistic de...but still ok...another 1 is quite nice...n shimin wanted 2 read this bk but she cant find it,i'm lucky sia...the title is “爱上维尼熊男生”...but the title has got nth 2 do wif the story...lol...=.=
tmr gonna bring these 3 bks 2 school...2 lent shimin n maggie...lol...my bag is goin 2 be heavy again...my com is lagging lyk siao now...i dun wan post le...bb

5:26 PM happyy-stopp