2dae nid send the reflection 2 jer 2 call her help me print so mama let me use com 4 a while,haha,ty 2 jerlin lar,4 helping me 2 print...cos tmr must hand in le...
veri sian leh...also nth 2 write...dun wan 2 write...
2dae played frisbee wif tekong,they so violent de,one of them pulled patricia then my nose knocked on her face,whole nose just banged on her face,damn pain lor,my nose already veri flat le leh!!!
they so violent!!!><
in the end,we won,yaye,ubin roxs!!!the score is 5-1...
tmr dun wan play wif them le,wan play wif brani,brani n ubin 4eva gd frenzs...
as 4 tekong ar???play wif seking lor,they sure die once again de lar...seking won every houses le,won ubin brani n tekong b4,they damn strong lor...
last time play wif ubin,the score is 9-2(veri pro hor???)
then when they play wif brani,win again,the score is 17-3(lol,so pathetic de brani)
then when they play wif tekong,they win again and the score is 11-1(lol,seking too pro le lah!!!)
seking all sporty de,then all tall tall de...
vivian the tallest,always block us,the short short de,then we cant c our members liao...haiz...Ms Agnes say too bad lor,vivian's height is gifted by the god,too bad we dun hav this height...i wan grow taller...><
frisbee is fun onli when we play wif brani...wahaha...^O^
Tuesday, September 18, 2007Y
2dae nid do reflection 4 IPW(type-written) so mama let me use com,haha
2dae brought 2 bottles of chewing gums 2 school 2 share,then bck home mama ask me y bring so mani,cos 1 bottle veri ex de...how i noe...these 2 bottles all finish liao...hais..nvm lar...^^
2dae teacher showed us our geo CA marks...then when scroll 2 my name...i still ask maggie hu got tat marks...
then maggie say i noob liao...=P...
2dae is zhiling's bdae...
nid do reflection le,bb...
6:24 AM
Monday, September 17, 2007Y

female lead n male lead of "fang yang de xing xing"...
the guy damn handsome leh!!!
tat gal also damn pretty!!!
wat a compatible couple!!!so nice tis show,i watch finished during september holidays le,damn nice show!!!lyk it veri much so post some of the pics^^
10:28 AM
yaye,so happy~~~
went 2 fetch my grandma 2dae...
afternoon went 2 changi airport 2 visit her!!!
i got 1 pair of sports shoe,a set of sports clothes n 1 shorts!!!
tats not all,i n my brother altgt we got 20+ bottles of chewing gums!!!
each bottle got around 40 small de chewing gums!!!
so mani,we so happy then we separated them between us(we always separate everything)...haha
tmr i bringing some 2 school 2 share wif u guys...got mani flavours...also got tat kind of chewing gum which jess brought 2 school last time(tat king tat u rolls n take a piece de)...so mani chewing gums!!!;DDDD
some of these chewing gums veri special,even i never eat b4!!!
got strawberry,honeydew,watermelon(me),orange(eww,i h8 this,so i gave my bro),blueberry,mint...dunno still got others or not??
these chewing gums can last us a long time sia~~~long time never eat le...
in high spirit 2dae,damn HAPPY sia~~~
haha!!!all these gifts r bought by my beloved aunty then my grandma brought them out 2 singapore 4 us!!!
I LUV MY AUNTY,SO GD 2 ME N BRO!!!<333333333333
8:57 AM
1:04 AM
1:00 AM
hais...2dae my last day using com le,all b'cos of EOY...
nvm,study hard bah,so tat i can get into double science course B...
jiayous 2 every1..
since i will not be posting 4 mayb a month...2dae i will post mani pics...
ltr afternoon goin 2 airport 2 fetch my grandma..my gifts^^
haiz..my com...haiz...
early in the morning on9,then no 1 on9 sia~~~
my msn list all black heads...sian...
12:38 AM
Sunday, September 16, 2007Y
7:00 AM
haiz...after tmr,i cant use com le,mama banned me b'cos EOY comin,wan me concentrate on studies,also cant read novels liao...
so i must jiayou le,aiming 4 double science,i must get into tat class...
every1 striving hard 4 their dreams,i also wan!!!
went e-classroom 2 c geo result...the map reading de..
i onli got 67 marks,damn sad lar..T^T,ltr pull my ranking down how...
finish all hw liao...
tmr my grandma comin out 2 singapore 2 play...
yaye,gonna receive a lot of gifts tmr,my aunty n grandmothers buy de!!!
so happy,w8ing 4 tmr 2 come...
sian...tmr will be the last day i using com until EOY over...
so mayb will not be posting,but if mama got on com,sometimes can use secretly but not often...every1 jy 4 ur targets but...EOY so IMPORTANT!!!
post more pics 2dae,if not tere will be a long time i cant post...sobx...
6:52 AM
Saturday, September 15, 2007Y
did mani quizzes 2night cos i sian,everything is below the playlist..
tats the results of my quizzes,quite accurate sia~~~
u all can go take these quizzes too,quite fun;DDD
12:30 PM
11:10 AM
these few days never post,cos really nth happen wat...
she gave us each a lollipop,my favourite!!!thxs sharon,the lollipop is fantastic,damn nice sia~~~I LUV LOLLIPOPS!!!
maggie so hardworing preparing 4 EOY lor,but she not confident,keep saying herself stupid,maggie u r not stupid lor,u can do it de,be more confident,tats not lyk u,last year mid-year my maths got 50/100,at least u never get these kind of marks on major exam!!!u can do it de...u sad i sit beside u also moody then no 1 make u happy liao...
2dae got D&T test,wth lor,everything dunno,i tink i die le lar,but i dun wan fail!!!T^T,hais...
then also nid write chinese compo,must write veri gd,cos got include in CA,the previous 2 tests i got veri pathetic marks,DAMN PATHETIC N ER XIN de marks,maggie also,first time in this year we got so disgusting the marks bah???then we keep complaining wif each other,haha,actually i got 2 thx Mr Ngian 4 putting me n maggie sit tgt,he was the 1 hu turn us bck into gd frenzs again,if not,we mayb still h8ing each other 4 no reason...
11:01 AM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007Y

INUYASHA!!!lyk this anime veri much in the past,so cute this pic!!!

got mani new anime pics cos i save more!!!lalala...
the last 3 pics shld be in the same anime bah...
posting more pics 2dae cos tmr mayb(mayb onli) not gonna 2 post things...
10:34 AM

post some more pics^^,ppl wif watermelon!!!HAHAHA!!!;DDD
10:19 AM

eating me???watermelon...lol...jkjk

9:34 AM
dun fell lyk posting,sian sian sian!!!
tmr got geo test...hais...map reading sia~~~
2dae com a bit lag sia!!!>(
haiz...haiz...haiz...sian lar!!!
finish tat novel tat chieu lin gave me ytd,quite nice but the story sometimes veri confused n the bk veri rush...even the ending also rush,not even a page but quite nice lar cos mani parts veri funni...^O^
i post pics better lar,nth 2 say le,mama 2dae fry chicken wings,so gd,long time never eat le(my hse SELDOM cook theses kinds of things cos mum say these food too heaty...1 year onli cook a few times...)
tmr nid do DC duty,sian sian sian again...
9:28 AM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007Y
11:37 AM